World Class IT Security| ISO 27001
With ISO 27001 accreditation annually since 2009, Cloudsourced.IT provide world class security as standard.
Sadly, not all Cloud providers take it as seriously.
Security Assumed - WARNING
Every software provider, whether providing hosted or web based software will tell you they have excellent security.
But what do they mean by “excellent security”?
The only objective way to ensure your information is secure is if an external body have audited and accredited the information security. If a provider you are considering has not been audited and accredited it may be worth considering whether they have something to hide.
Online50 Limited are ISO 27001 accredited
Online50 Limited are the company behind the Cloudsourced.IT service.
ISO 27001 is the international standard for information security. Online50 are accredited to the standard and independently audited each year to ensure we maintain the highest standards. Other companies might claim to use an accredited data centre but Online50 Limited certify our whole business to ensure you enjoy the best possible user experience.
"We Use ISO 27001 Suppliers"
Claiming to have ISO 27001 accredited suppliers will have no impact on the security of your data within their software (or business).
"Our Datacentre Is In A Military Bunker"
A military bunker could withstand a military attack. Is that the primary risk to your data? High walls won’t keep out a hacker. Barbed wire won’t prevent software failure and data corruption.
Something To Hide?
If a provider you are considering has not been audited and accredited to the ISO 27001 it is worth considering if they have something to hide.