Online Backup & Archiving

Online Backup and Archiving for Business
Online backup is one of those things businesses know is needed but is too often left to someone else and so is overlooked.
Backups Can Be A Legal Requirement
Even for small businesses, there is a legal requirement to retain records for defined periods of time. For example, HMRC require Vat records to be retained for at least 6 years. It is possible to retain these electronically but failure to produce the records can lead to a fine. Failure to backup appropriately can be expensive not just because of the impact on the operation of the business but also because of the risk of fines.
Backups When You Are In The Cloud
Few small businesses fully consider the implications of backup when moving into the Cloud. Not all Cloud services offer an online backup solution or even allow customers to take a copy of their data so it can be appropriately backed up. Of course the Cloud provider will assure the customer that they have full backup procedures, but the Cloud provider will not be fined by HMRC for losing the records and their SLA will probably prevent the customer from making a claim if their backups do not work.
A Full Online Backup Solution
Where all users are using either our virtual hosted desktop or virtual server solution their data will be backed up as part of our service backup procedure. However, this backup is designed for us to restore the entire service not to find the file your user lost last week.
Regular Online Backups To Your Schedule
The online backup solution allows customers to backup their files and folders from across their private cloud at intervals that make sense to them.
Online Archives
It would clearly not be practical to make a full copy of your data today and another full copy tomorrow and the next day and the next and to keep it all. Your storage charges would escalate very quickly. Archiving gives you the opportunity to select and retain a specific backup for as long as you require. For example if your data was highly sensitive, you may opt to backup everyday and then retain the backup taken each Friday. Once their are 10 weeks of Friday archives, only the 10th is retained and this is then retained for 10 years.
Online Backup and Online Archiving To Your Requirement
You can take backups as frequently as you wish and retain in an archive as many or as few as you need. Obviously the price varies, but it is often a fraction of the price of losing the data if you make no arrangements at all.